Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pitcher This Price Check

This post is the permanent home of what I'm calling the Pitcher This Price Check. Most know by now that beer prices are on the rise, thanks to shortages and market changes for hops and malted barely, two of beer's essential ingredients. Brewers, of course, will have to pass on their higher cost to distributors and to you, the drinker. But just how much will you wind up paying?

Brewers have said new prices should be on the shelf by the first of February. We want to document the price shift as it happens, and you can help. Pick your favorite beer (or beers), and if you don't already know the usual price by memory, stop by the store soon and write it down, then revisit over the next few weeks to watch for a change. Share your results with other Pitcher This readers by clicking below to comment on the blog, or just e-mail me what you find at I'll post updates whenever I get a few.

Include the brand, the store, the original price and the date you checked it, then the new price and the date you saw it. Format your stuff something like this:

Bubba's Pale Ale 6-pack
Jim Bob's Gas & Grocery in Anniston
$6.71 on Jan. 12
$8.25 on Feb. 2